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File system is a method of storing and organizing computer files and their data. Here, we will use the FatFs library to interface with the SD card.


In STM32CUBEMX, FATFS is already incorporated into the software as a middleware. To enable FATFS, go to the 'Middleware' tab and enable the 'FATFS' middleware.



As shown, select FATFS for SD card, and enable the long file name support.


Then, under the Advanced Settings, select the DMA template for the SD card.


Finally, let's generate the code to save the current progress and to make it ready for following programming steps. Click the 'Generate Code' button at the top right corner of the screen.




As shown above, modify the code in the sd_diskio.c file to configure the SD card and FATFS.


We have introduced how to transplant and incorporate the BSP code into the project, and that applies to each respective module. For transplantation:

  1. Copy the module codes from the BSP project to the user project.
  2. Add the module codes to the user project include path.
  3. Add the module codes to the project items.
  4. Include the header file of the module code in the user project.
  5. Call the module function in the user project.


Since we are using FATFS here, and FATFS has a built-in SDCARD driver, it will conflict with our own isdcard driver. Therefore, in the bsp_init, if we want to use the FATFS file system, we should not include the isdcard driver; otherwise, it will cause a conflict.



 * @file bsp_file.h
 * @author SHUAIWEN CUI (shuaiwencui AT gmail DOT com)
 * @brief This is the header file for the bsp_file.c file
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2024-07-17
 * @ref;
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024
#ifndef _BSP_FILE_H_
#define _BSP_FILE_H_

 * @name INCLUDES

#include "stm32h7xx.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "ff.h"         // FATFS main header file
#include "diskio.h"     // Disk I/O header file
#include "fatfs.h"      // FATFS configuration header file (if using STM32CubeMX)
#include "ff_gen_drv.h" // Generic driver header file
#include "ffconf.h"
#include "stdio.h"

/* Define custom storage device */
/* Number of bytes per sector for user storage device */
#define User_Sector 512
/* FatFs object for user storage device */
#define User_FatFs SDFatFS
/* Volume path for user storage device */
#define User_SDPath SDPath

void Mount_FatFs(void);
void FatFs_GetDiskInfo(void);
void FatFs_ScanDir(const TCHAR* PathName);
void FatFs_ReadTXTFile(TCHAR *filename);
void FatFs_WriteTXTFile(TCHAR *filename,uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day);
void FatFs_GetFileInfo(TCHAR *filename);
void FatFs_DeleteFile(TCHAR *filename);
void FatFs_PrintfFileDate(WORD date, WORD time);

uint8_t BSP_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t ReadAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks);
uint8_t BSP_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t WriteAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks);
#endif /* _BSP_FILE_H_ */


 * @file bsp_file.c
 * @author SHUAIWEN CUI (shuaiwencui AT gmail DOT com)
 * @brief This is the source file for the bsp_file.c file
 * @version 1.0
 * @date 2024-07-17
 * @ref;
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2024

#include "bsp_file.h"
#include "bsp_usart.h"
#include "sdmmc.h"

// Define a work buffer for formatting
BYTE workBuffer[4 * User_Sector];

 * @name Mount_FatFs
 * @brief Mount FatFs file system
 * @param None
 * @retval None
 * @note Working
/* Mount FatFs file system */
void Mount_FatFs(void)
    // Mount file system
    FRESULT retUSER = f_mount(&User_FatFs, User_SDPath, 1);
    // Error occurred
    if (retUSER != FR_OK)
        // No file system, need to format
        if (retUSER == FR_NO_FILESYSTEM)
            printf("\r\nNo file system, start formatting\r\n");
            // Create file system
            retUSER = f_mkfs(User_SDPath, FM_FAT32, 0, workBuffer, 4 * User_Sector);
            // Formatting failed
            if (retUSER != FR_OK)
                printf("Formatting failed, error code = %d\r\n", retUSER);
            // Formatting succeeded
                printf("Formatting succeeded, remounting\r\n");
                // Remount after creating file system
                retUSER = f_mount(&User_FatFs, User_SDPath, 1);
                // Mounting failed
                if (retUSER != FR_OK)
                    printf("Error occurred, error code = %d\r\n", retUSER);
                // Mounting succeeded
                    printf("*** File system mounted successfully ***\r\n");
        // Other error occurred
            printf("Other error occurred, error code = %d\r\n", retUSER);
    // File system already exists, mounted successfully
        printf("File system mounted successfully\r\n");

 * @name FatFs_GetDiskInfo
 * @brief Get disk information and display on LCD
 * @param None
 * @retval None
 * @note Working
/* Get disk information and display on LCD */
void FatFs_GetDiskInfo(void)
    FATFS *fs;

    // Define variable for remaining clusters
    DWORD fre_clust;

    // Get remaining clusters
    FRESULT res = f_getfree("0:", &fre_clust, &fs);

    // Getting failed
    if (res != FR_OK)
        printf("f_getfree() error\r\n");
    printf("\r\n*** FAT disk info ***\r\n");

    // Total number of sectors
    DWORD tot_sect = (fs->n_fatent - 2) * fs->csize;

    // Remaining number of sectors = remaining clusters * sectors per cluster
    DWORD fre_sect = fre_clust * fs->csize;

    // For SD card and USB flash drive, _MIN_SS=512 bytes
#if _MAX_SS == _MIN_SS
    // SD card's _MIN_SS is fixed at 512, right shift 11 bits equals dividing by 2048
    // Remaining space size, unit: MB, for SD card and USB flash drive
    DWORD freespace = (fre_sect >> 11);
    // Total space size, unit: MB, for SD card and USB flash drive
    DWORD totalSpace = (tot_sect >> 11);
    // Flash storage, small capacity
    // Remaining space size, unit: KB
    DWORD freespace = (fre_sect * fs->ssize) >> 10;
    // Total space size, unit: KB
    DWORD totalSpace = (tot_sect * fs->ssize) >> 10;

    // FAT type
    printf("FAT type = %d ", fs->fs_type);
    printf("[1=FAT12, 2=FAT16, 3=FAT32, 4=exFAT]\r\n");

    // Sector size in bytes
    printf("Sector size(bytes) = ");
    // SD card fixed 512 bytes
#if _MAX_SS == _MIN_SS
    printf("%d\r\n", _MIN_SS);
    // Flash storage
    printf("%d\r\n", fs->ssize);

    printf("Cluster size(sectors) = %d\r\n", fs->csize);
    printf("Total cluster count = %ld\r\n", fs->n_fatent - 2);
    printf("Total sector count = %ld\r\n", tot_sect);

    // Total space
#if _MAX_SS == _MIN_SS
    printf("Total space = %ld(MB) = %ld(GB)\r\n", totalSpace, totalSpace >> 10);
    printf("Total space = %ld(KB) = %ld(MB)\r\n", totalSpace, totalSpace >> 10);

    // Free cluster count
    printf("Free cluster count = %ld\r\n", fre_clust);
    // Free sector count
    printf("Free sector count = %ld\r\n", fre_sect);

    // Free space
#if _MAX_SS == _MIN_SS
    printf("Free space = %ld(MB) = %ld(GB)\r\n", freespace, freespace >> 10);
    printf("Free space = %ld(KB) = %ld(MB)\r\n", freespace, freespace >> 10);

    printf("Get FAT disk info OK\r\n");

/* Create a text file */
void FatFs_WriteTXTFile(TCHAR *filename, uint16_t year, uint8_t month, uint8_t day)
    FIL file;
    printf("\r\n*** Creating TXT file: %s ***\r\n", filename);

    FRESULT res = f_open(&file, filename, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
    // File opened/created successfully
    if (res == FR_OK)
        // String must have a newline character "\n"
        TCHAR str[] = "Line1: Hello, FatFs***\n";
        // Does not write the end character "\0"
        f_puts(str, &file);

        printf("Write file OK: %s\r\n", filename);
        printf("Open file error, error code: %d\r\n", res);
    // Close the file after use

/* Read the content of a text file */
void FatFs_ReadTXTFile(TCHAR *filename)
    printf("\r\n*** Reading TXT file: %s ***\r\n", filename);

    FIL file;
    // Open file in read-only mode
    FRESULT res = f_open(&file, filename, FA_READ);
    // Opened successfully
    if (res == FR_OK)
        // Read buffer
        TCHAR str[100];
        // Not reached the end of file
        while (!f_eof(&file))
            // Read 1 string, automatically add end character "\0"
            f_gets(str, 100, &file);
            printf("%s", str);
    // File does not exist
    else if (res == FR_NO_FILE)
        printf("File does not exist\r\n");
    // Opening failed
        printf("f_open() error, error code: %d\r\n", res);
    // Close the file

/* Scan and display files and directories in the specified directory */
void FatFs_ScanDir(const TCHAR *PathName)
    DIR dir;     // Directory object
    FILINFO fno; // File information
    // Open directory
    FRESULT res = f_opendir(&dir, PathName);
    // Opening failed
    if (res != FR_OK)
        // Close directory and exit function
        printf("\r\nf_opendir() error, error code: %d\r\n", res);

    printf("\r\n*** All entries in dir: %s ***\r\n", PathName);
    // Read files in the directory sequentially
    while (1)
        // Read one item in the directory
        res = f_readdir(&dir, &fno);
        // If file name is empty, no more items to read
        if (res != FR_OK || fno.fname[0] == 0)
        // If it is a directory
        if (fno.fattrib & AM_DIR)
            printf("DIR: %s\r\n", fno.fname);
        // If it is a file
            printf("FILE: %s\r\n", fno.fname);
    // Scanning finished, close directory
    printf("Scan dir OK\r\n");

/* Get information of a file */
void FatFs_GetFileInfo(TCHAR *filename)
    printf("\r\n*** File info of: %s ***\r\n", filename);

    FILINFO fno;
    // Check if file or subdirectory exists
    FRESULT fr = f_stat(filename, &fno);
    // If exists, read file information from fno
    if (fr == FR_OK)
        printf("File size(bytes) = %ld\r\n", fno.fsize);
        printf("File attribute = 0x%x\r\n", fno.fattrib);
        printf("File Name = %s\r\n", fno.fname);
        // Output the timestamp of file creation/modification
        FatFs_PrintfFileDate(fno.fdate, fno.ftime);
    // If file does not exist
    else if (fr == FR_NO_FILE)
        printf("File does not exist\r\n");
    // Other error occurred
        printf("f_stat() error, error code: %d\r\n", fr);

/* Delete a file */
void FatFs_DeleteFile(TCHAR *filename)
    printf("\r\n*** Delete File: %s***\r\n", filename);
    FIL file;
    // Open file
    FRESULT res = f_open(&file, filename, FA_OPEN_EXISTING);
    if (res == FR_OK)
        // Close file
        printf("Open successfully!\r\n");
    // Delete file
    res = f_unlink(filename);
    // Delete successfully
    if (res == FR_OK)
        printf("The file was deleted successfully!\r\n");
    // Delete failed
        printf("File deletion failed, error code: %d\r\n", res);

/* Print file date */
void FatFs_PrintfFileDate(WORD date, WORD time)
    printf("File date = %d/%d/%d\r\n", ((date >> 9) & 0x7F) + 1980, (date >> 5) & 0xF, date & 0x1F);
    printf("File time = %d:%d:%d\r\n", (time >> 11) & 0x1F, (time >> 5) & 0x3F, time & 0x1F);

// to over write BSP_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA & BSP_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA in bsp_driver_sd.c
uint8_t BSP_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t ReadAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks)
  uint8_t sd_state = MSD_OK;


  /* Read block(s) in DMA transfer mode */
  if (HAL_SD_ReadBlocks_DMA(&hsd1, (uint8_t *)pData, ReadAddr, NumOfBlocks) != HAL_OK)
    sd_state = MSD_ERROR;

  return sd_state;

uint8_t BSP_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA(uint32_t *pData, uint32_t WriteAddr, uint32_t NumOfBlocks)
  uint8_t sd_state = MSD_OK;


  /* Write block(s) in DMA transfer mode */
  if (HAL_SD_WriteBlocks_DMA(&hsd1, (uint8_t *)pData, WriteAddr, NumOfBlocks) != HAL_OK)
    sd_state = MSD_ERROR;

  return sd_state;